7 Essential Carpet Cleaning Tips From The Professionals
Whilst you might think that them getting your carpets clean is the only benefit of hiring professional carpet cleaners, you would be mistaken. Not that having clean carpets is not hugely desirable; however, in addition to carpet cleaning for you, there is something else that expert carpet cleaners can offer you, and that is their knowledge of how to clean carpets.
Specifically, we are talking about you being able to ask a professional carpet cleaner all manner of questions about carpet cleaning, or them simply offering you advice, tips, and help regarding how you can both maintain your carpets and clean them effectively between professional cleans.
That advice can sometimes be worth a lot to you, including financially. Imagine the difference in what you would have to spend by being unable to prevent a stain from becoming permanent or your carpet wearing quickly and you, therefore, having to purchase new carpets versus being able to care for and clean your carpets due to the advice given to you by a professional carpet cleaner.
Now there are dozens of professional carpet cleaning tips we could list here for you; however, what we are going to do is provide you with the very best of those tips. Therefore, here are seven essential carpet cleaning tips from carpet cleaning professionals.
Vacuum Frequently
If you read more than one carpet cleaning tips article, you are likely to find this in all of them, and that is because it is so important. Vacuuming regularly can add years to the life of your carpet and helps keep them looking good as it lifts much of the surface dirt, such as dust.

7 Awesome Tips For Effective Couch Cleaning
Couch cleaning is one of those cleaning jobs that are necessary but which most people are either not keen to do or simply do not know how to clean their couch. Nevertheless, the job of cleaning your couch must be done for reasons such as prolonging its lifespan, keeping your home looking great, and helping to promote your family’s health. Here are seven awesome tips that will help you.
Awesome Tip #1: Vacuum Frequently
Vacuuming might not be the most exciting or enjoyable task, but when it comes to keeping your couch clean, it is essential. Not only is it necessary, but it should also be done as frequently as possible. Most vacuum cleaners come with an upholstery attachment, so use that, especially to get down the sides of the arms and behind the seat and back cushions. This will remove dirt and grit, which can damage your couch’s fibres, as well as remove hair, threads, and crumbs.
Awesome Tip #2: Regularly Wash Cushion Covers
If your couch has removable cushion covers, take advantage of this and wash them regularly. Check the care label to see how they should be washed, but most of them can be washed in the washing machine on a low cycle. This will help keep your couch looking and smelling fresh because cushion covers can accumulate sweat, body oils, and food stains, so cleaning them regularly will prevent unpleasant odours and stains.

Common Carpet Stain Removal Myths That Could Cause More Harm Than Good
If you speak to a professional carpet cleaner, they will tell you one of the most difficult issues they have to deal with is a carpet that has had whatever stain or spillage that has befallen it made much more due to actions taken by the owner. This arises because many people have been misled by myths that surround carpet cleaning and the removal of carpet stains.
We are sure these myths were not created for nefarious reasons or to deliberately get people to make their carpets almost uncleanable. However, the simple fact is that these carpet cleaning myths have to be debunked and, more to the point, ignored by homeowners whose carpets have a stain or need cleaning.
To pursue those goals, we thought it would be useful to highlight some of the more common carpet cleaning and stain removal myths that are doing the rounds. Some of these myths have been around for some time and have been repeatedly dismissed by professional carpet cleaners in articles or blog posts, but for some reason, the myths persist, so let us try to put that right.
Always Pour Salt On A Carpet Spillage
If the stain is caused by liquid, salt may well soak up some of the liquid; however, it is unlikely to soak up all of it. That means you are left with a salty residue in your carpet’s fibres that can be even more difficult to remove than the original spillage.
Rubbing The Stain Vigorously Will Remove It
Our automatic reaction to spilling something on a carpet is to rub the stain as though our lives depended on getting rid of it. The problem here, especially for carpets, is vigorous rubbing will make the stain harder to remove as the rubbing action pushes the stain deeper into the fibres. Dab the stain, do not rub it.

The Dos And Don’ts Of Cleaning A Leather Couch
Couch cleaning is a task that is necessary to maintain a couch’s appearance and to prolong its life so that finding the money needed to replace them does not become a regular occurrence. Unlike cleaning some items, where the material being cleaned rarely changes, such as the glass in windows, couches can be made from a variety of materials which each require different methods of cleaning.
For example, couches can be made using a huge range of different fabrics, such as cotton, wool, polyester, silk, and nylon, to name but a few, and each of them should be cleaned differently. In addition, we also have suede and leather, and given that leather is a hugely popular material for couches, we thought it would be useful to focus on the “dos and don’ts” of cleaning leather couches.
The “Dos” Of Cleaning A Leather Couch
- Follow The Care Label Instructions: A misconception about leather couches is that the leathers are all the same and can be cleaned the same way. This is false as there are several leather types and grades, and therefore you must read the care label for your leather couch to check the advice on cleaning the leather type it is made from.
- Regularly Vacuum: Another misconception about leather is that it does not need vacuuming as much as fabric. Again, not true as crumbs, grit, and dirt all need to be removed every bit as much from a leather couch using a vacuum cleaner regularly as a fabric couch.

7 Factors To Consider When Wanting To Remove A Stain From Your Carpet
Of all the carpet cleaning jobs that professional carpet cleaners get hired for, removing carpet stains is one of the top requests. Whether a stain occurs because of spillage, dropped food, or an accident from a new puppy to name but three, each type of stain must be dealt with the correct way.
The danger is that many homeowners will listen to those who know little or nothing about carpet cleaning or may rely on one of the many stain removal myths circulating. What can happen is the stain will be treated using a substance or liquid solution that does little to remove the stain, and in the worst cases will damage the carpet, making the problem much greater and invariably more expensive due to a new carpet possibly needing to be purchased.
The correct course of action would normally be to call a professional carpet cleaning company and hire them to come around and remove the stain. Whatever that fee might be, it will always be less than the cost of a new carpet. Alternatively, you might choose to deal with the stain yourself, having fully researched how, including asking for advice from a professional carpet cleaner.
If so, you must ensure that whatever you are going to use to treat the carpet stain is recommended, especially as it pertains to your carpet’s materials. No matter what you choose to do you should consider the following seven factors when dealing with stains on your carpets.
Factor #1 – What Created The Stain?
The first and most obvious factor to consider is what the stain is. In other words, what is the substance that is currently staining your carpet? From that knowledge, you can then plan how best to get rid of it.
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Level 24 / 108 St Georges Terrace,
Perth WA 6000
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Brilliance Cleaning
Phone Bookings:
(08) 6117 0939
Level 24 / 108 St Georges Terrace,
Perth WA 6000